Are you considering adding a consumer financing program to your retail business?
What is holding you back? Are you fearful that you won’t know the secrets to consumer financing program implementation? Well, you’re in luck. Today our team of experts has gathered three simple secrets to consumer financing implementation for you. Read on to learn more.
Keep it Simple
You are running a business. Why make your life any harder than it already is. Consumer financing program implementation should be simple. You don’t need to research or learn a new skill. When you choose Financing Your Way as your partner, we make it simple. As a courtesy to all of our business owners, we offer consumer financing program implementation training. The course is tailored for your specific industry and business, and we work with your management staff and employees to provide the skills for success. After attending our training, you will feel 1000 times more confident in your ability to offer your consumer financing options to your customers.
Praise Correct Praise Methodology
Employees won’t always get it right. Failures are teachable moments. We have found that using the praise, correct, praise methodology your employees will feel motivated and encouraged. Here’s how it works. When employees make a mistake in the consumer financing program implementation, begin by offering a word of praise for their effort, then correct the mistake, lastly reinforce their effort by once again offering praise. The employee will leave the conversation feeling encouraged by the discussion and will more likely attempt and succeed the next time.
Keep in Touch
As time passes your business will develop and employee turn over is bound to occur. Keep in touch with our team at Financing Your Way and let us know your needs for consumer financing program implementation training. We are here to assist you to succeed throughout the phases of your business.