5 Tips for Offering Retail Consumer Finance Options

So, you’re finally considering offering retail consumer finance options to your customer.

This is the beginning of a new day in your business. You can expect increased profits and more customers. It is important to note that you will have to make efforts to educate and offer your finance solutions. Read on for a few tips!

  1. Listen

Customers are known for making their needs known. Are you taking the time to listen? Your sales pitch should be a tailored solution to your customer’s problem. Don’t write off complaining customers. The customers with gripes about pricing are the perfect candidates. When the complaints begin, take this as your cue. This is your time to introduce your retail consumer finance options as a solution to their financial concerns. They will be impressed by your ability to offer a practical solution to their objection.

  1. Look for High Tickets

The customer who spends a lot at the register is a great candidate for retail financing. These are most likely your loyal customers who love your products and would become even more loyal if they knew you offered retail consumer financing. Set a threshold for your store and anytime a customer passes it, offer a special promotion to encourage customers to use your retail financing option.

  1. Tell The World

Your website, social media, and front door are great places to advertise your retail consumer finance options. The marketing material provided by Financing Your Way is ideal for retail stores who want their clients to know they offer flexible payment options. You don’t have to recreate the wheel when you work with Financing Your Way. You will receive modern and customized marketing material to help your clients understand their payment options.

  1. Offer Multiple Options of Consumer Finance

Not all customers will qualify for your promotional financing price. If your customer is afraid they will be denied due to poor credit, you should have another option that may fit their needs. Make your sale seamless and avoid disappointing your customer by offering multiple options. At Financing Your Way, we make offering multiple options easy, so you can say yes more often.

  1. Train Your Staff

A well-trained staff can make your consumer feel confident about using retail consumer finance. Your finance company should assist with staff training so that you have uniformity in your sales process and that there is no variance in the presentation of consumer finance products. Finance your Way offers this training and so much more support, so your company can easily begin offering retail consumer financing options.



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