When is the Best Time to Procure Financing and Loans for a Small Business?

It is important for us all to know that professional financing options are not the very first step.  Acquiring funding from different sources of working capital finance can be challenging and deciding to procure professional financing or a loan for a small business is probably one of the last steps that any entrepreneur or business owner might take.  Generally, the best time to attempt to get a small business loan is after a few years of operating a successful business. Sometimes, we may have a strong enough personal credit score to acquire business financing, but generally, it is wiser to make sure that your business has legs and that you can use your revenue to repay any loan procurement situations that are entered into on behalf of your business.

Timing is everything in business and finance.  Acquiring a loan may not be difficult but making sure that we are fully prepared to receive funding is extremely necessary. Think about what are our motivations for getting a loan?  What exactly will be done with the money? Have we done an adequate amount of research into interest rates and fees? Is our revenue able to support us and any repayment plans that we undertake?  It is important not to rush things in this area. Getting the funding that we need to soon can be just as disastrous as not getting the funding at all, more so even because we are responsible for the repayment of any loans that we receive on behalf of our businesses.  We have to be careful and make sure that we are not making errors in our financial projections. It is also equally important not to wait too late. It is not easy to get and repay a loan once a company is already under severe financial strain. Getting a loan when a business is under this kind of stress could mean the end of the company.  There is absolutely no reason to put a business at risk when there are various outlets for financial help or assistance. The ideal time to procure outside financing would be after you have a solid plan but right before you are ready to use the money.


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